Golden Bell Cover glas ljuskopp aromaterapi flaska med glas lock

namnCandle Stand with Glass Cover Aromatherapy Bottle
Keps:glass cap
Utskrift:Varmstämpling, Sidentryck, Målning, Thermal Transfer, Engraving, Labeling

This is a specially shaped ljusburk that looks like a golden bell, a very practical and beautiful decoration. The glass cover protects the candle well from external factors while increasing the safety of the candle.
The transparent glass ljusburk allows the burning process of the candle to be clearly visible, making it very ornamental. In addition to candles, you can also hold aromatherapy stones to spread the aroma more evenly, and the dripping essential oil can also create a customized home atmosphere for you.
You can also customize the colors and labels according to your own needs to meet different personal needs. Välkommen att höra av dig!

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