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Botella de perfume de vidrio transparente de forma plana vacía 30ml 50ml 100ml

Botella de perfume de vidrio transparente de forma plana vacía 30ml 50ml 100ml

Volum: 30ml 50ml 100ml
Materia prima: Vidrio de alta calidad
Procesando: Serigrafía/ Estampación en caliente/ Etiquetas…
Embalaje: Cartón estándar+palets de exportación
Certificado: YO ASI
MOQ: 1,000 piezas
Muestras: Gratis


We offer a range of elegant and functional frascos de perfume de vidrio in various sizes – 30ml, 50ml, and 100ml. Elaborado con vidrio de alta calidad., these bottles are not only durable but also transparent, allowing you to appreciate the beautiful color and clarity of your fragrances. The flat shape of these bottles fits comfortably in your hand, ensuring ease of use and spray.

The 30ml 50ml 100ml Clear botella de perfume de vidrio with our secure spray pumps that fit snugly on top of the bottle, you can confidently carry your perfume while traveling or storing it without worrying about leakage or spills. Our glass perfume bottles are the perfect choice for storing and dispensing your favorite scents.

Our dedicated sales team can also provide one-stop solutions, including outer boxes, juntas laterales interiores, and other surface printing technologies to supply you with the complete glass bottle package. Feel free to contact us directly at any time for more information or inquiries.


Contacto: Emilia Gao
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
Whatsapp/Chateamos: 0086 132 8003 8506


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