Kerzenglas aus Glas

Maßgeschneidertes handgefertigtes glänzendes Kerzenglas mit Glockenkuppel, glockenförmiger Kuppeldeckel, einzigartiges Kerzenglas

Custom Handmade Glossy Candle Glass Bell Dome Jar Bell-shaped Dome Cover Unique Candle Jars

Produktname: Dome Cover Unique Candle Jar
Oberfläche: Siebdruck, Silberprägung, Farbspritzen,Bronzieren, Sprühen, Glasur, Galvanisieren, Laser-Gravur, usw.
Anwendbar: Toner, Parfüm, Toilettenwasser, Lufterfrischer, usw.
Material: Glas

Product Description

1.If you’re looking for a way to add a touch of elegance and charm to your home or office space. Then look no further than custom handmade glossy candle glass bell dome jar bell-shaped dome cover unique candle jars.These jars are ideal for creating a warm and inviting ambiance while also being an exquisite decorative piece that is sure to impress your guests.
2.Crafted with care and attention to detail, these unique candle jars are handmade using high-quality glass that is both durable and long-lasting.The bell-shaped dome cover is what sets these candle jars apart from the rest. As it adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to any room it’s placed in.The glossy finish of the Glas adds to the luxurious and premium feel of these custom handmade candle jars.
They work equally well as wedding or holiday decorations, helping to create a beautiful and elegant ambiance.

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